At JRUI TRADE LIMITED, we place a significant emphasis on adhering to and complying with laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights. Our commitment to intellectual property protection is outlined below:

Patent Rights:
In cases where our lighting products are protected by patents, we hold the corresponding patent rights. Unauthorized manufacturing, selling, or use of products that infringe upon our patent rights is strictly prohibited.

All content displayed on our website, including text, images, videos, and other materials, is protected by copyright. The copyright for this content belongs to us or the respective rights holders. Without explicit permission, unauthorized copying, downloading, distribution, or use of the content is strictly prohibited.

Product Design Protection:
We are dedicated to safeguarding the uniqueness and innovative aspects of our product designs. If our lighting products feature distinct designs, we seek design patents or other relevant protection measures to ensure comprehensive protection in the marketplace.

Respect for Third-Party Rights:
Respecting intellectual property laws and regulations, we also acknowledge and respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that any content on our website violates your intellectual property rights, please promptly contact us. We will take proactive measures to address and rectify any potential violations.

Model and Style Protection:
In addition to safeguarding product designs, we may also seek protection for the model and style of our lighting products. This protection aims to prevent unauthorized copying or imitation of our products’ appearance by third parties.

For further inquiries regarding the intellectual property rights of specific brands or websites, we recommend reviewing the relevant legal notice or reaching out to our customer service team at

Rest assured that we prioritize the protection of intellectual property rights and strive to maintain a fair and ethical business environment.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Address: NO 1037, 1/F, FONDA IND BLDG., 37-39 AU PUI WAN ST./ FO TAN SHATIN Hong Kong